Answers to the most common questions we receive.
Yes, we will survey each piece of equipment at your building and determine correct types, sizes and quantities. Move material through security checkpoints, install filters and move dirties to an approved offsite recycler (if available) or landfill.
Yes, with every InfiniPleat® sale and installation, we will conduct quarterly testing of your filters at our local warehouse Air Filter Test Unit. We will provide a detailed written report for your staff to review. We will then coordinate optimum reorder and changeout of the next set of filters.
Yes we have management contacts on call to respond to events that are unscheduled.
Yes, InfiniPleat® is not only an effective filter for stopping particulate and bypass, but it does it at a lower initial pressure drop and maintains lower pressure drops throughout the life of the filter. Additionally, it maintains a high level of Dust Holding Capacity (DHC).
It is due to an engineered, proprietary media web design that has integrated spacers that create deep pockets. This allows for more media surface and depth loading. Higher Dust Holding Capacity, Lower DP.
AFNW® Services offers onsite cleaning or your in house staff can do it with a pressure washer that can be operated at low pressure with a wide fan.
Are You Ready To Improve Your Total Cost of Ownership and PUE?